Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement

26. The Yin and Yang of Inclusion and Innovation, with Francoise Chombar

Wayne Visser Season 1 Episode 26

My guest week is Francoise Chombar, Chairwoman at MELEXIS and STEM Platform, and board member at AMS and Umicore. In this episode, she talks about:

  • How technology can be a force for positive impact, but only if it is inclusive – and how inclusion is a driver for innovation
  • Why diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) needs to become a societal and organisational habit to be effective
  • What being a Steminist – a STEM feminist – means and why it is a crucial solution to economic and societal inequality
  • Why diversity is not only about diversity of gender or ethnicity or other profiles, but also about diversity of perspectives
  • How having the diverse role models, especially during education, is a key to increasing diverse participation in STEM careers

Key links
Francoise Chombar (LinkedIn)
Melexis (website)
STEM Platform (webpage)
 If (poem)
Thriving (book)
Wayne Visser (website)
Wayne Visser (LinkedIn)