Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement

35. A Better Everyday Life for the Many People, with Ludvig Liljekvist

Season 2 Episode 35

My guest this week is Ludvig Liljekvist, Global Strategy, Development & Innovation Insight and Foresight leader for Ingka Group (largest IKEA retailer). In this episode, he discusses:

  • What “positive” means in IKEA’s People and Planet Positive strategy
  • Why circularity remains challenging for a retail business focused on affordability
  • How three “wicked” (entangled) problems are shaping possible, projected and preferable futures
  • Why world building is a useful foresight technique for strategy
  • How innovation needs to focus on resilience and regenerative design

Key links
Ludvig Liljekvist (LinkedIn)
Ingka Group Sustainability (website)
Change the World - Part 2 (poem)
Thriving (book)
Wayne Visser (website)
Wayne Visser (LinkedIn)